Category: Micro
Here are all posts from this category, beginning with the most recent.
I am not to be trusted with Krazy Glue. I got a Hot Wheels car stuck to my fingers last night. I’m ok, but that stuff is strong.
I just exported my Fitbit data and deleted my account. (h/t @hotdogsladies)
Syntax Highlight Test:
def reverse(text):
pos = -1
rev = ""
for i in text:
rev = rev + text[len(text) + pos]
pos = pos -1
print rev
I did a fresh start in YNAB for September. I’d really like to give it more attention for the rest of the year.
I’m going to try the No Signature option on my emails and see how I like it. It seems unnecessary since the From: field already shows it’s from me.
Queued some 311 today because, well, 2019-03-11.
“I want to get one thing straight here, or I’m walkin’ too. I don’t work on January the 8th…cause that’s Elvis’ birthday.” 🎥
PayPal was denying my credit cards, so I got a prepaid Visa so I could buy a license for Monokai Pro. It cost me a bit extra to do it this way, but I’m happy I was able to get the license. I like how SublimeText looks with this theme.
If you care about what’s happening with online life today, take another look at Firefox. It’s radically better than it was 18 months ago — Firefox once again holds its own when it comes to speed and performance.
I’m giving Firefox a try as my default browser for work stuff. For home stuff, I use Safari.
Check it out: “Keep Moving & Get Out of the Way” by @roderickon on @cottonbureau — Only 19 days left!
All it took was trying to open a thirty four megabytes .csv in Atom to send me back to Sublime Text. Let this be yet another lesson for me.
Tried to buy Monokai Pro, but got denied by PayPal. Tried to make Sublime Text 3 look nicer and failed. Went back to using Atom. I sure do like the built-in GitHub integration.