“Dana…are these the eggs?” 🎥

“I want to get one thing straight here, or I’m walkin’ too. I don’t work on January the 8th…cause that’s Elvis’ birthday.” 🎥

Left the Christmas tree outside last night, and found a bird’s nest in it this morning.

Welp, I’m back on Twitter after being away for a couple of years.

I just exported a Google Doc with a PowerShell script and the Google Drive API. Nice, right?

I am not to be trusted with Krazy Glue. I got a Hot Wheels car stuck to my fingers last night. I’m ok, but that stuff is strong.

“Do you sell hubcaps for a ’72 Pinto Hatchback?” 🎥

I just exported my Fitbit data and deleted my account. (h/t @hotdogsladies)

Syntax Highlight Test:

def reverse(text):
    pos = -1
    rev = ""
    for i in text:
        rev = rev + text[len(text) + pos]
        pos = pos -1
print rev
