β€œMay you live to be a thousand years old, sir.” πŸŽ₯

β€œBye, Steve. Good party.” πŸŽ₯

I vastly underestimated how much not being able to run a Windows VM on an M3 MacBook Pro would cramp my style.

β€œIs somebody playing with the computers?” πŸŽ₯

β€œHi. My name is Werner Brandes. My voice is my passport. Verify me.” πŸŽ₯

Made it through a speed check going 80 this morning. I did say, β€œoh fudge”, out loud, so I got that going for me.

Wordle tried to trip me up with letters I don’t usually pick. Whew!

Wordle 997 6/6


β€œThat’s our new computer. We can pinpoint any fire in town with that. It’s perfect for us, because, you know, we’re the fire department.” πŸŽ₯

I built a pyramid today.

Wordle 971 4/6


Missed the Wordle today and ended a 58 day streak.