“Just because I don’t know what it is, doesn’t mean I’m lying.” 🎥

I have a new custom domain and I’m looking into an email service for it. Already tried and cancelled hey.com. Fastmail looks good, but I don’t need calendar and contacts. Or, do I?

I’m very glad I pre-ordered a PlayDate before @gruber@mastodon.social posted about the upcoming price increase.

The Mastodon experience is better from the Mastodon side than the micro.blog side. But, do I even want the Mastodon experience?

I can follow and reply to Mastodon users with micro.blog. Why then would I need a Mastodon account?

“Karl, schieß dem fenster.” 🎥

“Don’t worry. If the roast beef is right, they’ll be back.” 🎥

If you carry your phone and wallet in the same pocket, I recommend that you don’t take your phone out until after you’ve gotten in your car and closed the door. This will ensure that the wallet doesn’t fall on the ground and you drive away without it.

I’m now using Fira Code 18pt as my monospace font.

“Carmine said one boy. Here are two.” 🎥