“Just because I don’t know what it is, doesn’t mean I’m lying.” 🎥

“Karl, schieß dem fenster.” 🎥

“Don’t worry. If the roast beef is right, they’ll be back.” 🎥

“Carmine said one boy. Here are two.” 🎥

“Hey! Pinocchio. Where are you going?” 🎥

“You can’t triple stamp a double stamp! You can’t triple stamp a double stamp, Lloyd! You can’t triple stamp a double stamp!” 🎥

“Alright meow, hand over your license and registration.” 🎥

“It’s 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.” 🎥

“I want to get one thing straight here, or I’m walkin’ too. I don’t work on January the 8th…cause that’s Elvis’ birthday.” 🎥

“Why are you speaking American?” 🎥

“Hey Griswald! Where do you think you’re gonna put a tree that big?” 🎥

“What’s a widget?” 🎥

“Your middle name is Ralph, as in puke.” 🎥

“Yeah, my dad let’s me drive slow on the driveway. I’m an excellent driver. ” 🎥

“Gary was just taking a shit.” 🎥

“We just talked to that guy Ito. We found out there’s no raise for 13,000 cars. I’m calling all the guys and we’re coming to get you!” 🎥

“Could be the bypass line, yeah. Maybe I should take a look at it.” 🎥

“He got a daddy named Forrest, too?” 🎥

“Let’s go to the top, Dad.” 🎥

“Dana…are these the eggs?” 🎥

“I want to get one thing straight here, or I’m walkin’ too. I don’t work on January the 8th…cause that’s Elvis’ birthday.” 🎥

“Do you sell hubcaps for a ’72 Pinto Hatchback?” 🎥

“I don’t know. I’m a fast cook I guess.” 🎥

“I want to get one thing straight here, or I’m walkin’ too. I don’t work on January the 8th…cause that’s Elvis’ birthday.” 🎥

“What kind of a name is Poon?” 🎥